We collected 142 electrocardiograms (ECGs) with dates ranging from March 2, 2008 to April, 13 2011 from the ones sent for routine reading at the St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital ECG laboratory and read by one investigator (YB). ECGs showing diffuse ST segment depression in > 7 leads with ST-segment elevation in aVR were collected. Patients with left bundle branch block, QRS duration of > 130 msec, ventricular rhythm or ventricular paced rhythm were excluded. The polarity of the T waves in the leads with maximal ST depression was defined as positive if the terminal part of the T wave was > 0.1 mV above the isoelectric line, or negative.
Demographic data, date of ECG, the indication for the ECG, presence of elevated cardiac markers, diagnosis of cardiac conditions (non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome [NSTE-ACS], non-ischemic dilated car
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